Friday, May 4, 2007

Mission Day #2...The Arrival

The team was scheduled to arrive in Santa Cruz at 8:10 this morning - that's 4:10 AM Seattle time. My phone rang this morning a little after 6:00. News from Bolivia? No, just my work.

As seen above, I was able to "watch" the team's scheduled flight on its way to Miami. Looks like the flight took a bit of a longer route, around a thunderstorm. In fact, the website indicated that it was going to be arriving an hour later than expected. It looked like they still had an hour and twenty minutes before the flight left for La Paz. But, I couldn't find a way to track the international flight online...

The agenda for today has the team arriving at the hotel at 10:00 AM. The agenda for the day is light, and includes some time set aside for prayer. The team will spend some time preparing for a women's event to take place later in the week. The team will be walking to the plaza for dinner "or just an ice cream if not hungry." (Well, hmmm, is that ice cream pasteurized?) Each evening ends with a team meeting and debriefing. And then, off to bed early to catch up on their sleep.

There may be a chance for visiting an internet cafe later today; I'll let you know if I get an email...


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