Thursday, May 10, 2007

Message from our Pastor...

I'm forwarding a message sent today to the Women of Purpose by our Pastor, Rainer Kunz.

Dear Karen, Tara, Wendi and Celeste,

Just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you all and praying for you each day. I just got back from Chicago and now we’re off to Anaheim for Jordan’s graduation.
I look forward to seeing you all when I get back. I can’t wait to hear your stories.
As I type this I’m looking at a quote on my wall that Ellen Skubic gave me. I think it’s appropriate for the work that you’re doing – “THERE ARE THREE STAGES IN THE WORK OF GOD – IMPOSSIBLE, DIFFICULT… DONE.”
Here’s one more for you. I need to be reminded of this verse daily -
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
Keep pointing people to Jesus!
I love and miss you all dear sisters in Christ,
Your Pastor
Rainer Kunz

Thank you, Rainer, for your words.

(As Phill has commented in an email to some of you, we would certainly welcome comments and emails that you would like to post on the blog. This can either be done by clicking on the "Comment" link below each entry, or simply send an email to either Phill or Doug, so that we can post it online. The team may be able to read these messages tomorrow, when they return to Santa Cruz.)


Wendy said...

Hi Ladies!
It looks like another jam packed day!
I need a nap just from reading it.
Keep up the great work you are doing.
I know the Lord will bless every step you take in His name!
I can't wait to hear about lunch!
Take care all of you,
Wendy E

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.